About Us

Firstly, we’re not just a Car Park Management company. We are part of a larger company who provide specialist security, cleaning and FM services and have been operating successfully since 1990.
The benefits of being part of an established and equipped larger group means that we are uniquely positioned to offer a blended Parking+ service. Ocean Parking is backed with the training, technology and a 24hr help desk to support us in delivering a versatile nationwide service.
Recognising the need for a managed parking service that was not necessarily focused on enforcement revenue, we used our experience in the wider FM sector to develop Ocean Parking. After ten years of careful expansion, Ocean Parking is a standalone brand within the Group and we manage over 200 car parks across the UK.
You can rely on us to safely, smartly and fairly ensure the rules of your site are followed and any unwelcome and unsafe parking behaviours are reduced or eliminated; transforming what would have been a negative parking experience into a much more positive one. Because, whether your site is a retail park or an office block, an airport or a doctor’s surgery – the car park is where your visitor’s journey begins and ends.
We work with you to develop a range of parking solutions focused on addressing your pinch points and enhancing the overall efficiency of the car park.
What we will achieve for you;
We will provide a positive experience for genuine customers and visitors, while enforcing the rules on site for those breaking the rules and abusing your parking facilities.
By managing your car park, you can trust us to promote the correct use of spaces reserved for: parents with young children; people who are using a blue badge; residents and authorised visitors.
For sites using attendants, our fair and friendly staff are there to help visitors who need assistance using the pay & display machine, to ask for directions and to check what the rules are. They are also trained to administer First Aid and help with breakdown assistance.
And for those who receive a Parking Charge Notice for breaking the rules - getting caught often results in hostility and conflict, if a motorist feels that they have incorrectly been issued with a PCN. We have a specialist appeals team who are extremely experienced and knowledgeable about each site we manage. The team always seek to de-escalate the fallout from the issuance of a PCN, they are trained to listen, respect and investigate the facts to establish whether the evidence provided is enough to accept their appeal.
Whether you are receiving a service from Ocean Parking or a Parking Charge Notice for a contravention on one of the sites we manage, you can be sure that by being members of the International Parking Community Approved operator scheme, we are working to the highest professional standards.
Using ANPR technology provides visitors with a secure and efficient service whilst providing you with the best return on your investment, through increased charge enforcement. Many Ocean Parking installations are fitted free of charge – providing ANPR benefits without any upfront cost. The cameras transmit the data to a kiosk inside the building where visitors can register their vehicle registration to receive exempt parking. If you’re suffering from abuse by unwanted vehicles, this is a perfect solution as this ensures only genuine customers benefit from your site – with those not registered being issued with a Parking Charge Notice, which has proved to be a very effective deterrent.
Having spaces available for genuine users of the facility encourages repeat custom and results in higher footfall. Put simply, an effective car park strategy can not only transform the user experience but significantly monetise what is often an overlooked – yet hugely valuable – capital asset. In the wake of the pandemic and now more than ever, landowners and businesses are looking to open up revenue streams and maximise the potential of their asset. Car parks are often overlooked as a revenue generator, but there are several ways in which to reduce costs and increase revenues using ANPR technology. By upgrading to the latest ‘smart’ Pay & Display technology, we can demonstrate the year on year revenue benefits.
As a national FM provider, we benefit from having a 24-hour help desk and fully accredited control centre, which enables us to address parking queries anytime day or night. Our customer services and payments lines are operational around the clock.
As part of a larger group, we are used to dealing with big portfolio contracts. We therefore have a thorough understanding of your expectations and the importance of enhancing the overall efficiency of your car park, now more than ever.
We manage 20,000+ car parking spaces in the UK and have ten years’ worth of knowledge and experience delivering our creative solutions to a wide range of sectors.
Using this experience – and by tuning in to your pressure points and your objectives – we will create an effective and reliable tailored package, allowing everyone to benefit from a better parking facility.
With our technological blend, the data collected from your car park can be analysed and organised into valuable insights, which you can then use to understand and predict customer/visitor behaviour patterns.
All members of Ocean Parking’s Mobile Response Team are equipped with live reporting technology which enables them to perform a range of added value reporting services, which are automatically escalated to the client management team.
Our parking staff constantly assess and report Health and Safety issues throughout the sites we patrol. Any findings during these patrols will be reported directly to the onsite team and the client. We will offer full assistance in rectifying or making safe any issues that arise.
Ocean Parking will support the client in bringing all aspects of their car park to the highest standard to achieve the Park Mark Safer Parking standard, and we will obtain it on their behalf.
Every member of staff receives extensive customer service training, concentrating on first contact and communication skills. Our staff are sourced from the local area and therefore have the knowledge to advise members of the public on available parking, parking restrictions, local amenities, events, tourist information and directions.
The entire Ocean Parking team is trained in conflict management, and our mobile team are also issued with body worn cameras to deter and protect against verbal and physical abuse.
All Ocean Parking team members have active Security Industry Authority Licenses. This enables the visiting operatives to provide additional support to the onsite security team and also provides a free-of-charge uplift in the security presence. All operatives are also screened to British Standard 7858. And as an Approved Operator of the British Parking Association, we work to the highest professional standards.